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I’ve got a heartwarming story to share from my recent trip to Tanzania with Thirst No More. It’s all about Zeyneb, a resilient mom and wife, and how clean water is changing lives in such an amazing way.

Imagine this: Zeyneb used to spend her days trekking to a river to get water for her family. Sounds normal, right? But here’s the twist – she had to share that water with wild animals like lions, hippos, and crocodiles. I know it sounds hard to believe. But this was everyday reality for women and children in Zeyneb’s village. The danger was not hypothetical either – Zeyneb had tragically lost her sister to a lion attack during one such trip. Safety was a luxury they didn’t have.

On top of that, the water wasn’t even clean. It made people sick, especially kids. They couldn’t wash clothes, keep clean, or even go to school sometimes. It’s tough to study when you’re not feeling well or clean, right?

During the dry season, things got even harder. Zeyneb could be away for days, searching for water. This caused fights in families and made life really tough.

But guess what? Thanks to generous supporters like you, Thirst No More was able to drill a clean water well in Zeyneb’s village. This well doesn’t just give water – it’s changes lives for the better. This single well serves more than 3,000 people, and Zeyneb’s life is totally different now. No more dangerous trips to the river. No more worrying about getting sick from the water. They can wash up and stay healthy. Even better, Zeyneb’s relationship with her husband is stronger because they don’t have to fight about water anymore.

And here’s the really cool part: kids can go to school regularly now. One six-year-old used to stay home taking care of his little brother, but he’s in school like other kids his age. Education is a game-changer.

Zeyneb’s story is a reminder that something as simple as clean water can make a huge difference. Every drop from a Thirst No More well is like a drop of hope and change. While we’re celebrating the amazing impact we’ve had, let’s remember that there are more people like Zeyneb who need our help. As we keep going with our mission, let’s work together to deliver more clean water to improve more lives and impact more villages!

– Jennifer Michalik, Thirst No More Development Coordinator